Excellence – does it define you?

Here Lived a Great Street Sweeper- by Christine Powers

I have been thinking a lot about the topic of excellence lately. It seems that no matter what you put your hands to, one has the opportunity to strive for excellence. I am starting to think that more than actions, excellence is actually part of who you are. There is quote by Martin Luther King Jr. that I love:

“If a man is called to be a street sweeper, he should sweep streets even as a Michelangelo painted, or Beethoven composed music or Shakespeare wrote poetry. He should sweep streets so well that all the hosts of heaven and earth will pause to say, ‘Here lived a great street sweeper who did his job well.'”

I am fortunate to have a few people in my life who have shown me what this quote is all about. Its refreshing and encouraging to witness this in those around me.

Here are a few thoughts about Excellence that I have been contemplating lately. By no means am I an expert on the subject, however, I am striving to embody excellence in my life more and more each day.

Excellence is Identity
I have a close friend who embodies this in life. Its not just at work, but at home and other aspects of his life. He wants to do things the best he can and takes the time and extra effort to do so. Excellence seems to be a part of who he is, not just what he does. Its like he is wired to be this way, or maybe its that he was raised by others who taught him to be this way. Regardless, its a quality that I admire and respect and I wish more people (including myself) embodied in everyday life.

Excellence is Fulfilling
There is something to be said for completing a task with excellence. Being able to look back at something you accomplished and feeling proud and excited about it. We all want to be fulfilled in what we do in life and its feels good to know you tried your best and accomplished something great. May we not forget that putting forth a little extra effort in what we do can result in excellence that can be very rewarding.

Excellence is Promoting
I am a firm believer that excellence pays off. Sometimes it takes time, but those people who embody excellence will go far. They are those who we respect, look up to, aspire to be like, and most naturally become great leaders. When I think of the people that I admire and look up to in my life, excellence is a quality that is evident in their lives.

EMITTI’s commitment to Excellence
Working at EMITTI has also prompted me to think about excellence. Its refreshing to be part of a team that embodies this. Whether it be through the IT solutions we provide or even the smallest details in customer service, there is an atmosphere of excellence. There are no shortcuts here. Its refreshing to be part of a company that values this and that I can be a part of.

Whether you are looking for a partner who provides services such as mobile development and cloud solutions or you are looking to be part of a company with these values, contact us today.